

Dear Nick ...

A letter from Sally Druthers
on the brilliance of Mr. Obama in embarrassing the bombers in Africa

July 17, 2010

Dear Nick —

The last time I wrote you, I commented on how, just, brilliant Mr. Obama is. And how right you were to support him so strongly back in 2008! (Even though you did call him all those names. That kind of confused me.) Anyway, there's no question about it now. Mr. Obama has to be the most brilliant commander-in-chief — like — ever!

After the latest bombing in Africa, he called al Qaeda racist, and now I bet you're way ahead of me, Nick. It means that all members of al Qaeda will have to show how embarrassed they are, and explain that they are not racists and that their comments (whatever they were) were taken out of context, and admit that they showed poor judgment.

They will apologize and make donations to the Rainbow Coalition (or whatever it is called) and to the Obama Re-election Fund. He will have brought them to their knees (literally!) without firing a shot.

It's true that the actual group that did the bombing, Al-Shabaab, is made up of African Africans from Somalia and maybe Kenya and Uganda, too, but that only means that they are self-hating African Africans. They need help, obviously, and when they apologize and donate, their healing will begin!

I'm still allowed to get on the computer here in the day room — duh! Otherwise you wouldn't have gotten this message! — and I've come across some unhelpful websites where bad people just refer to our President as "the community organizer," as if that's some kind of insult all by itself. Well, they're going to have to put some different smoke in their pipe! Probably because he was a community organizer, plus of course because he's so brilliant, Mr. Obama — alone of all persons in America — has figured out how to defeat al Qaeda and end their terrorism!


Cordial as always, Strakon replies as best he can.

Dear Sally — I hope this doesn't make you blush, but I have a nice compliment for you. You are every bit as brilliant as the genius who has been installed in the Presidential Palace.

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