Dr. Joseph Audie
Joseph Audie has a Ph.D. in biophysics and is a believer in the perennial
philosophy, best propounded by the Dumb Ox.
I'm no Pollyanna, but sometimes even I get tired of the level of negativity here in The Ditch. Thus, I am pleased as punch that we've received a reassuring tour d'horizon from Dr. Audie that should encourage all of us to turn that frown upside down and thump each other on the back: "We're so wonderful! And all those foreigners'd better get wonderful, too or else!" (January 12, 2012)
Focusing on a traditional American catchphrase about the kind of country we live in, and bringing relentless logic to bear, Dr. Audie in effect asks, Oh, really? Well, let's just see: "Land of the free? Home of the brave?" (March 11, 2010)
Inspired by the example set by Our Heroic Democratic Organs of State Security at Our Glorious Democratic Airports, Dr. Audie proposes further progressive reforms in the interests of the People (including the Children ... the Children!). Thus, "A modest proposal for a post-9/11 America." (December 6, 2010)
If this spring's circus of embarrassment starring Dr. Rand Paul failed to expose the mindlessness of our politics, Dr. Audie now exposes it in his rigorously argued essay, "Dr. Rand Paul: A rare opportunity to teach." Our writer shows just how daunting the hurdles are that an honorable man must surmount to justify state action. How oblivious to those hurdles, then, is the man of power! (July 16, 2010)
We may never be able fully to understand how our tyrannical adversaries think: their minds are so alien. But we can at least understand some of their errors. That has been my aim in writing about what I call "statish thinking." In this article, Dr. Audie deftly analyzes some of the moral (or immoral) aspects of statish thinking: "Standard American doublethink: Maxims and anti-maxims."
(I posted this article with a complementary piece by a guest writer, Tony Pivetta, and I recommend it, too, to your attention: "Agape's abattoir.")
(April 7, 2010)
It's bad enough trying to reach the vast majority of Americans who are outright believers in totalitarian mass democracy, but I wonder sometimes whether even those who still talk about the Constitution and the Founders believe what they're supposed to believe. This well-considered essay by Dr. Joseph Audie may serve as a reminder for those who have taken their eye off the ball: "Reflections on the revolution in America: Six principles." (April 30, 2008)
Others have detected the machinations that our esteemed Ronn Neff identifies as Polite Totalitarianism, and one of those is our esteemed Dr. Audie, who gives us his take in this fine essay, concentrating on our masters' sedulous attack on free expression: "Chattering away on the road to serfdom: Free speech and tyranny." (November 21, 2007)
Dr. Audie, the master analyst, demonstrates in this piece how important it is to know what questions to ask: "The mystery of homeland security: Why have no more attacks occurred?" Very many of our countrymen, of course, ask no questions at all. (April 28, 2007)
Flacks for the Empire some of them, anyway are once again ladling out the optimism with respect to Little Bush's great foreign adventure, and the assertions of one such operative have provoked Mr. Audie to craft another of his examinations, both finely reasoned and historically informed: "Iraq's 'impossible' insurgency." (December 5, 2005)
Mr. Audie once again demonstrates his gift for incisive analysis in "Bush's imperative category: What is a WMD?" (April 29, 2005)
One of our specialties hereabouts is asking highly inconvenient questions, and Mr. Audie does just that in his second piece for TLD: "Six questions for President Bush." (October 27, 2004)
In his initial appearance, still as a guest writer, Mr. Audie offered this impressive and relentless analysis of a war-apologist piece in the Weekly Standard: "Linking al Qaeda and Iraq: Stephen Hayes's rush to closure." (December 18, 2003)