We’re so wonderful!
"Ron Paul and
Iowa," by Thomas E. Woods, Jr., January 5, 2012
Put simply, in a great country such as America folks do wonderful things, things that the
rest of the world should be forced to emulate; while in pathetic little countries such as
Iran, folks do all kinds of irrational and sinister things, things the rest of the world should
be forced to avoid. Let's take an obvious example of that. It's a wonderful thing to be like
America and build the first nuclear weapons, under cover of secrecy, and use them vengefully
against a defeated civilian population. That much should be clear! In stark contrast, it's a
terrible thing to be like Iran and have a nuclear-power program that is under voluntary
scrutiny by international observers. That should be clear as well. But such an example of
American rectitude and Iranian hypocrisy and evil is too complicated for this essay.
Indeed, who cares about the specific details of what ignoble, Dark Age countries such as
Iran do, anyway? Instead, let's focus on some specific examples of American nobility and
greatness. Let's talk endlessly about how great America is, so we can feel great about
ourselves. Let's list some of the obviously rational, always justifiable, morally beautiful,
divinely sanctioned, and wonderful practices that make America the greatest country in
history practices that backward countries such as Iran should be forced to
An obviously wonderful thing about America is that
our enlightened leaders and their enforcers will not hesitate to charge and arrest
5-year-old children for vicious crimes against helpless adult males. Let the world
glory in such an obviously beautiful, humane, liberating, and progressive practice, a
practice they should strenuously seek to emulate or have imposed on them by America's
imperial legions.
Another obviously wonderful thing about America is that our enlightened leaders and
their enforcers will not hesitate to forcibly shut down dangerous business operations such as children's
lemonade stands. Let the world glory in such an obviously beautiful, humane,
liberating, and progressive practice, a practice they should strenuously seek to emulate or
have imposed on them by America's imperial legions.
Another obviously wonderful thing about America is that our enlightened leaders and
their enforcers will not hesitate to forcibly shut down dangerous and subversive black-market operations such as garage sales and yard sales. Let the world glory in such an
obviously beautiful, humane, liberating, and progressive practice, a practice they should
strenuously seek to emulate or have imposed on them by America's imperial legions.
Another obviously wonderful thing about America is that our enlightened leaders and
their enforcers will not hesitate to forcibly
prevent inherently irresponsible parents from sending their children to school with no
doubt toxic lunches. Let the world glory in such an obviously beautiful, humane,
liberating, and progressive practice, a practice they should strenuously seek to emulate or
have imposed on them by America's imperial legions.
Another obviously wonderful thing about America is that our enlightened leaders and
their enforcers will not hesitate to forcibly prevent inherently wicked, incompetent, and selfish neighbors
from babysitting each other's kids. Let the world glory in such an obviously beautiful,
humane, liberating, and progressive practice, a practice they should strenuously seek to
emulate or have imposed on them by America's imperial legions.
Another obviously wonderful thing about America is that our enlightened leaders and
their enforcers will not hesitate to forcibly prevent
selfish people from growing dangerous and unsightly vegetable gardens in their front
yard. Let the world glory in such an obviously beautiful, humane, liberating, and
progressive practice, a practice they should strenuously seek to emulate or have imposed
on them by America's imperial legions.
Another obviously wonderful thing about America is that our enlightened leaders and
their enforcers will not hesitate to forcibly prevent selfish and dangerous property owners
from slaughtering farm animals on their property. Such a practice, commonplace
throughout American history, is just too icky now. (Of course, slaughtering deer,
butchering chicken and beef, and handling raw fish on your property is just fine at
least for now.) And Heaven forbid you should produce raw milk and cheese; that could result in a
military-style SWAT assault on your property. Let the world glory in such obviously
beautiful, humane, liberating, and progressive practices, practices they should strenuously
seek to emulate or have imposed on them by America's imperial legions.
Another obviously wonderful thing about America is that our enlightened leaders and
their enforcers will not hesitate to spray chemical irritants into the eyes of peaceful
protesters. Let the world glory in such an obviously beautiful, humane, liberating,
and progressive practice, a practice they should strenuously seek to emulate or have
imposed on them by America's imperial legions. (See YouTube.)
Another obviously wonderful thing about America is that our enlightened leaders and
their enforcers will not hesitate to beat a harmless homeless man to death. And no, Virginia, it's not an isolated
incident. Let the world glory in such an obviously beautiful, humane, liberating, and
progressive practice, a practice they should strenuously seek to emulate or have imposed
on them by America's imperial legions.
The preceding is but a sampling of American
exceptionalism. Indeed, the list of obviously beautiful, humane, liberating, and
progressive practices we enjoy here in America practices that should be exported to
cruel and evil lands such as Iran at the barrel of a gun could be multiplied
endlessly. Sex-based discrimination on driving in Saudi Arabia obviously
unjustifiable. Age-based discrimination on driving, alcohol use, smoking, and voting in
America obviously justifiable. Certain other countries are always on the wrong
side of history and America is always on the right side of history no discussion or
debate required. No matter what America does, she's the greatest nation in history
it's that simple.
Let's briefly consider a few more obvious examples of American greatness
things that would be abhorred by the Founding Fathers, true, but that are enthusiastically embraced in North
Korea: We are blessed with a centralized government that submits to no higher authority,
a chimerical two-party system, a landscape dotted by armed checkpoints and random
security-screening stations, warrantless search and seizure, asset forfeiture, militarized
police, the denial of due process, indefinite detention, secret rendition, licensing
requirements for everything, a sprawling gulag, the proud and open celebration of torture
and assassination, undeclared wars of aggression and imperial conquest, a supine media that willfully
serve power, and state schools that teach us how wonderful all of it is.
Happy to report, our public servants and their intrepid advisors have seen to it that all of
it is justified by ideology, codified in law, and implemented in practice just as in Nazi Germany, another progressive country that always focused on National Greatness. What cause for celebration; what cause for self-congratulation; what cause for emulation! Of course, America has a a much larger prison population and a far higher incarceration rate than the world's dictatorships, police states, and Islamic theocracies, including the monstrous Iran, and that's yet another grand feather in our cap. I dare anyone who doubts such obvious examples of American greatness to read
articles by conservative columnist and former Reagan official Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
and liberal attorney Glenn Greenwald, two chroniclers of American exceptionalism from
either end of the political spectrum. (See links below.) Indeed, their glowing commentary on the recently signed National Defense Authorization Act and its domestic detention provisions will warm the hearts of true, red-blooded Americans, and strengthen their reflexive celebration of America's plunge into a totalitarian abyss. And we can only anticipate the childlike enthusiasm Dr. Roberts and Mr. Greenwald will have for the Stop Online Piracy Act and the push for the federal beast to seize control of the Internet, along the lines of what we see in communist China. Such are the boundless freedoms that our enemies hate; such is the freedom that, as so-called conservatives are forever reminding us, isn't free.
Mind you, dear reader, we haven't even touched on the moral, social, and cultural
greatness of America our stratospheric divorce rate, falling birth rate, penchant for
fornication, plummeting marriage rate, rampant drug and alcohol abuse, massive porn
industry, and juvenile obsession with so-called reality TV. Indeed, the recent 93-7 decision
by the U.S. Senate an obviously august body of learned statesmen dedicated to the
common weal to decriminalize sex acts
between man and beast in the U.S. military provides yet another striking example of
our moral leadership. The success of the game show "Wipeout," which brilliantly builds on
the game show "Ow, My Balls!" (premiered in the movie "Idiocracy"), further testifies to America's cultural treasures,
treasures the rest of the world should be forced to adopt.
As Providence would have it, I awoke the other day to a particularly exquisite example of
American high culture the eternal debate on the telescreen about Whoopi Goldberg's flatulence.
The list of our cultural, social, and moral achievements could be multiplied endlessly for
all to revel in, but that's best left for another essay. To summarize: Having eviscerated and
rejected the tradition of the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence, the
Constitution and Bill of Rights, and all manner of common sense, America stands as the
best country in history, a shining example of perfection for the rest of the world, especially
Iran, to envy and emulate under threat of violent force, of course. This much we
have demonstrated.
We are a great and sainted people, a people uniquely blessed, a people who obsess over the
specks in the eyes of other countries while remaining oblivious to the planks in the eyes
of America just as the Prince of Peace would have us do. So let's continue to focus obsessively on the poor
decorating in our neighbor's house while totally ignoring the crumbling foundations of
our own. And all the while, let's continue with our unthinking, ritualized chanting about
how America is "the greatest country in history." For to brag about how great you are is
always clear evidence of true greatness. That's the attitude indeed, the essential
guiding ideology and civic religion of all great countries such as America. Ω
January 12, 2012 Published in 2012 by WTM
"Three myths about the detention bill"
"The roots of the UC-Davis pepper-spraying"
"The killing of Awlaki's 16-year-old son"
Some recent articles by Paul Craig Roberts
"The Outlook for the New Year"
"The Obama Regime Has No Constitutional Scruples"
If you found this article to be interesting, please donate at least $3 to our cause. You should
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And all those foreigners’d better get wonderful, too or
If you find this essay of value, please send a donation of $3 to TLD. More
information appears below.
As a knowledgeable friend explained to me in 2008, it is extremely difficult
to reach many traditional [Republican] voters, who decide on which candidate to choose
on the basis of how much he sounds like the typical GOP product they've come to expect.
So they listen for a speech that says, "I love America, Americans are the awesomest of the
awesome, we need jobs, Obama is bad, war war war and did I say Americans were
the most awesome people ever, in the most awesome country, and the only reason
anyone might not be thrilled with our government is because of our sheer
Americans are supremely confident of their own greatness, their own enlightenment:
certain that they are an example to the rest of the world, that America is a shining city on
a hill. And Americans are supremely confident of the littleness, the stupidity, and the
dark evil of other countries, especially countries such as Iran. America always has
completely scientific, moral, legal, and cogent justifications for whatever it does.
Conversely, countries such as Iran never have a good reason for anything that they do
they're just crazy.
Some recent articles by Glenn Greenwald
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