Strakon Lights
This isn't immigration
it's importation
Editor's note. I first posted this piece as a long "Stop and think" entry, but I decided that it is significant enough in the context of my other writings that it shouldn't be left to gradually subside into obscurity in that archive. In future I may similarly "promote" other column-length "S and t" installments of mine that I deem deserving.Nicholas Strakon
February 12, 2004
It isn't immigration it's importation. And it's being done by government, at one remove. According to a story in the St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times, Catholic Charities is enabling the "resettlement" in St. Petersburg of an "estimated 300 Bantu refugees slated to come to the Tampa Bay area this year and next as part of 12,000 Bantus being relocated to 50 cities across the United States." ["Refugee family to resettle in St. Petersburg" by Kristie A. Martinez, January 28, 2004]
The first Bantu family, Martinez reports, was due to arrive January 27. Jessica Cabness, "refugee mentors" coordinator at the parish working with Catholic Charities, noted that "the transition is going to be huge" for the family, which consists of "a couple and their five children, ages 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9." In fact, the Bantus have no English. Worse, they don't even have a written language! According to Mary Ann Smelter, another busy bee in the "refugee mentors" program, "In the beginning, we may just communicate with hand signals and pointing." But don't despair Martinez reports that "the Pinellas County school system is preparing to help the Bantu children in programs for non-English speakers. Various social agencies are ready to help the adults learn English, Cabness said."
A word to the wise: "Tampa Bay was chosen as a resettlement area because it has many agencies that can address refugees' needs, said Jose Fernandez, director of immigration and refugee services at Catholic Charities in St. Petersburg."
Chief refugee mentor Cabness said, "We will try to help [the Bantus] become self-sufficient beginning in the fourth month." Self-sufficient. Right. In this context, what can that possibly mean other than that, sometime in late May, if all goes well, the Bantus will be fully plugged into the entire tax-funded social-service universe? Taxpayers, head for the hills!
Really, though, it's too late for taxpayers to make for higher ground even if they could figure out where those lovely uplands were. Catholic Charities (I would love to put separate quotation marks around each word of that name) is mostly an arm of the welfare state as I have written previously and probably am doomed to write again in the future. According to CC's own Website,
in 2000, about 67 percent of funding for Catholic Charities agencies programs comes from state, local, and federal government grants and contracts to provide services such as day care or welfare-to-work programs. Another 14 percent of Catholic Charities funding comes from private support the church, donors, United Way, and CFC funds.
Even that "private" 14 percent gets a little crumbly when you look at it closely. The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the charitable-giving program that everyone who has ever worked for leviathan is all too aware of. All of its money comes out of federal salaries now there's money from the private sector, all right. As for the United Way, much of the money it gets from ordinary people would otherwise have gone straight to the IRS, as the sodomist forces at People for the American Way are eager to remind us.
The "resettlement" of radically alien, preliterate, dirt-poor African natives isn't immigration. It's importation, and it's being done by an overwhelmingly government-funded entity. It is, of course, government policy.
With respect to this part of the demographic revolution, at least, I hope paleos can see that the problem isn't freedom it's their beloved government.
January 5, 2004 ("Stop and
reposted as a column February 12, 2004
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