Edward Morrison Morley

I am authorized to disclose that Edward Morrison Morley is a sometime IT security advisor, Renaissance art historian, marathon bicyclist who recently failed to complete the Tour de France, and disinherited grandson of Everest conqueror Sir Edmund Hillary. He currently lives at an undisclosed location in cyberspace.

— Nicholas Strakon

Short takes, no. 10 (April 3, 2024) 

Short takes, no. 9 (February 19, 2024) 

Short takes, no. 8 (February 9, 2024) 

Short takes, no. 7 (May 2, 2022) 

Short takes, no. 6 (April 24, 2022) 

Short takes, no. 5 (April 16, 2022) 

Sort of short takes (January 26, 2022) 

(Semi)short (mis)takes (January 20, 2022) 

More short takes (January 13, 2022) 

Short takes (January 10, 2022) 

Uncle eddie’s quandaries (September 23, 2021) 

Departing with grace and class. Not.
Andrew Cuomo, “Prince of Darkness”
(August 27, 2021)

Afergranistan update (August 23, 2021) 

Disasters, climate-change madness, and taking “action” (August 10, 2021) 

The news marches — or stumbles — on (August 6, 2021) 

The news behind the news behind the news that fits  (July 12, 2021)