2. For a presentation of the case for this view, see especially Jared Taylor, "If
We Do Nothing," American Renaissance, June 1996, pp. 1-7.
3. Naturally, the same would apply to a partition on this continent. Surely some
number of Negroes the actual number is irrelevant will
understand that moving to a separate all-black sector would just be
4. See Neff, "'Twas a glorious victory," TLD 14, p. 18, for a description of such a
5. Historian Bruce Porter, in War and the Rise of the State: The Military
Foundations of Modern Politics (New York: The Free Press, 1994), points
out that "in the final accounting, Western civilization derived an immeasurable
benefit from the fact that Italy spent its finest creative energies not on
impregnable bastions and standing armies but on seemingly more fragile works
of Renaissance art, architecture, and culture; these have continued to enrich
Western civilization long after the importance of ... citadels has faded into
obscurity." (p. 57)
6. See especially pp. 31, 33, and 39.
7. For a discussion of the distinctive character of white Westerners and possible
weaknesses inherent in that character, see Taylor, "The Ways of Our People,"
American Renaissance, September and October 1996.
8. Even the most virulent anti-Semitic thesis does not hold that cunning Jews
with their spectacular intellectual and communication skills, combined
with their age-old tribal cohesion and their hatred of central Western themes
have corrupted the West all by themselves. Where virtues and cultural
norms are concerned, "You can't cheat an honest man." I am contending that
the West cannot be raped; it can only be seduced. Christendom begins with the
Blessed Virgin's "Fiat." I submit that this culture, which has grown in
Christendom's embrace, can be corrupted only when enough of its members
meet seducers with a corresponding "Fiat."
9. This is not say that there were no cultural corruptions prior to 1957!
10. Two of the best and most extensive critiques have not been so easy to come by in recent years: Murray N. Rothbard, "Freedom, Inequality, Primitivism and the Division of
Labor" (Menlo Park, Calif.: Institute for Humane Studies, Inc., 1971) (reprinted
from Modern Age, Summer 1971); and Murray N. Rothbard, "Egalitarianism as
a Revolt Against Nature," in Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature and
Other Essays (Washington, D.C.: Libertarian Review Press, 1974), pp. 1-13
(reprinted from Modern Age, Fall 1973).
Update, January 2002. I am happy to report that both "Freedom, Inequality ...." and Egalitarianism are now available from the Mises Institute.
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1. The defining and preeminent periodicals addressing these issues are
American Renaissance, edited by Jared Taylor, and Instauration [now defunct],
edited by Wilmot Robertson. (I must stipulate that the latter publication does
not share the former's understanding of the requirements of civility; and neither
does it exhibit nearly the same love of freedom.) Taylor's book Paved with
Good Intentions (New York: Carroll & Graf, 1992) and Peter Brimelow's
Alien Nation (New York: Random House, 1995) are probably the two
most important books in English on the political implications of race and
multiculturalism. Students of the question may also wish to consult Robertson's
The Dispossessed Majority (Cape Canaveral, Fla.: Howard Allen,
1996 [1972]).